Answers for Travel

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Why do films take so long to come out even when filming is complete?

e.g. the new harry potter films are both done filming for why are they released in november and july?

this really grinds my gears!!!
Well # 1 they have to finish up on the animation

#2 they have to get people to watch it for any mistakes that might have happened

#3 the dates they come out on are preset like a dead line they cant make it sooner or people would get fired

dos that help?
What do you think, they film everything in order exactly as it appears in the film? Watch some special features now and then. It takes a huge amount of work to edit and finish a film.
yeah, I want to see them both too!

The real reason comes down to money.

The films are big money earners and so distribution is timed to maximize audiences - the summer vacations are obvious, but also November is a big movie period, before the holidays.

(remember how the books came out each year timed for the school summer vacation?)

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