Answers for Travel

Monday, April 13, 2009

Should I be a doctor or RN nurse?

Hi, I'm in 7th grade and have been homeschooled all my life, I'm going into public school this year though. Even though some people don't think homeschoolers are smart I think I'm smart and I relly want to be a doctor or RN nurse when I grow up.

I think I'd make a really good doctor because health intrests me and I like to help others, but on the other hand, being an RN nurse might be easier and is more in the realm of being possible. Even though being an RN nurse seems good, My dream job is to be a doctor. Would this be to hard and expensive dream to pursue? I'm taking health this coming school year (in public school) so that should help either career.

My parents are willing to pay around $25,000 - $30,000 to put me through college, the rest I have to pay myself. How much would it cost to get a suitable degree to be a doctor? (p.s. the doctor I want to be is a Diagnostician - the kind of doctor House is) And do I have to go through 8 years of college AND medical school? How long does medical school last (and cost)? What do i have to do to be an RN nurse?

I'm also scared that if I try to become a doctor I might fail and end up losing tons of money put into college. But I also know that I won't ever give up. What should I do?

p.s. please also mention stuff that RN nurses do on a daily basis


Registered Nurse:

well you are in 7th grade so thats thinking alot ahead but if you get good enough grades to be a dr. i would say go for that!

I want to be a nurse pracitioner because they are almost a dr they can have patients and can give out certain perscriptions but they dont have as much responcibility as a dr, and get better working hours (i would think) maybe go for a pratitioner if a dr doesnt work out (i think its like 2 more years of school)

also if you are going to be a dr be prepared for another 10 years of school when to become a nurse its 4 and then 2 to become a practitioner ( or at least here in manitoba)

one thing is you might find the change from home school to public really hard and your marks might slip at first dont worry about this too much and dont give up just try your hardest

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